
安装 Volcano

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add volcano-sh https://volcano-sh.github.io/helm-charts

You can then run helm search repo volcano-sh to see the charts. If you had already added this repo before, please run the following command to get the latest version.

helm repo update

Install Volcano


helm install volcano volcano-sh/volcano -n volcano-system --create-namespace --set basic.image_registry=crater-harbor.act.buaa.edu.cn/docker.io


helm upgrade --install volcano volcano-sh/volcano -n volcano-system --create-namespace \
--set basic.controller_image_name="crater-harbor.act.buaa.edu.cn/docker.io/volcanosh/vc-controller-manager" \
--set basic.scheduler_image_name="crater-harbor.act.buaa.edu.cn/docker.io/volcanosh/vc-scheduler" \
--set basic.admission_image_name="crater-harbor.act.buaa.edu.cn/docker.io/volcanosh/vc-webhook-manager" \
--version 1.9.0

Uninstall Volcano

helm uninstall volcano -n volcano-system